Intuitive Energy Sessions / INTERNAL QiGong:
In this type of session, we look at your inner landscape - that is, held beliefs, unconscious patterns, and more - to unblock what is currently holding you back from what you truly want in your life. These typically begin with an energy reading to look at the spiritual and emotional layers of your subtle body to get quickly to the root cause of a particular issue and make real and lasting change. Ever thought a money issue could relate to relationship stuff? Or that unconscious family patterns could be affecting your work? That a simple breathing pattern might unlock the key to why you haven’t felt inspired or in alignment with your purpose lately? These sessions are designed to clear these blocks in order to create real and lasting change.
Where does QiGong fit into the equation? QiGong is not just one of the 5 branches of Chinese Energy Medicine, it’s not just a moving meditation, but a form of internal Self-Energy Work, and I use the principles I’ve studied in this tradition to help you move efficiently through energetic blocks. In addition, you’ll receive a self-care routine to maintain energy work between sessions - for instance, a personalized meditation, mantra, ritual or even a message from your guides!
Sessions are done via video chat or over the phone.
Space Clearing / EXTERNAL Feng Shui:
In this type of session, we look at your space - because our external environment says A LOT about our internal one. Which also means you can create profound and lasting shifts in your life simply by transforming your space. This session begins with an energetic reading of your space, which is often followed by a clearing. Then I make recommendations for physical clearing, like removing, re-arranging, or placing new objects in your space according to its energy and yours. Ever thought a leaky faucet could relate to money troubles? A creaky door to troubles with a friend? Do you know how important the entryway to your home is? It’s like styling your space both physically and energetically to match what you really want to see manifest in your life!
Sessions are done via video chat or over the phone (hey, energy is not bound to time and space!) or in person in the Bay Area.
Session Structure:
6-month x weekly sessions - Create real and lasting change in several areas of your life! Great for re-patterning, working to clarify areas of your life that feel misaligned and ready for change. Priced after an initial phone call, depending upon client needs.
1-off sessions - Like an Energetic check-in or tune-up! Great as an introduction or for a specific circumstance that comes up and you need clarity. $165/hour, billed based on time used.
Group sessions - Dive deep into one specific topic with the support of a community! Topics have included: Relationships, Purposeful Work & Money, Psychic Sensitivity, and more! Price varies per workshop.
Contact me to apply for a FREE 15-minute consult and to find out more!
….Interested in Group Sessions and Workshops? Sign up for my weekly newsletter to hear about them first and be eligible for discounts! For descriptions of workshops and group sessions, please check out my events page!
Hi, I'm Courtney...
As an intuitive, author, and teacher, there's nothing I love more than helping my clients re-align with their own mission and inner wisdom. As a born (and trained!) empath, psychic, and medium, I use my gifts for perceiving energy to “see” where clients are ready to clear some space and remove what’s been blocking them from seeing their own truth. My mission is to help awaken my clients to their unique creative potential…which to me, simply means living the purposeful life you were born to live, with ease.